We are pleased to announce that the French International School of Marbella (efim) East homologated by the French Ministry of National Education for all its classes from the Petite Section (PS) to Cours Moyen 2 (CM2).

The French International School of Marbella (efim) is a partner institution of I'AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad).

The Agency for French Education Abroad is the public operator, under the supervision of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, which coordinates the network of French schools, colleges and high schools abroad.

The signing of the agreement with the AEFE took place on September 9, 2020 in the premises of the French International School of Marbella (efim) in the presence of Mr. Johann Carré, Expert in the Support and Development Service of the Network AEFE, by Mr. Giuseppe Innocenti, Inspector of National Education in the Iberian Europe Zone and the founders of the efim, Rubi Cortes and Philippe de Carlos.
It follows the favorable opinion granted by the AEFE and by the French Embassy in Spain to the efim project for the quality of its proposal.

What is approval for?

  1. It is the official recognition of France of quality education “à la française”: education in accordance with the principles, programs and educational organization of the French education system.
  2. It is the possibility for each child in school to find a place in any French school in the world: students from an approved establishment can integrate, without a control exam, in France, a public establishment, a private establishment under contract of association with the State or abroad another French educational institution approved abroad within the limits of its reception capacities.
  3. This is the possibility for the French to benefit according to their income from scholarships for their child (ren) as part of their school curriculum.

How is it obtained?

  • Approval is not acquired immediately. A support process makes it possible to put together a file which is submitted to the Ministry of National Education.
  • Homologation is generally granted for the 2nd year of operation. It is not given automatically for all the cycles.
  • The renewal of the approval is subject to control by the National Education.

Approval is a guarantee for all parents who register their child with the efim.
